Our story with Lithuanian bread is personal, it is not just some recipe, that our bakers tried, liked and brought to perfection. It started as a story of their families, as a story of their arrival to Ireland, as their history.
We feel privileged that they have shared it with us, we feel privy to their families as well. And we feel honored to be able to also welcome you and to offer you to become a part of our big family!
Classic in many Slavic countries, this bread has a pretty sad and romantic story to it. Legends say that it originates from Spaso-Borodino nunnery in Moscow region, built by Margarita Tuchkova, who wanted to be closer to the place where her beloved husband had fallen in Borodino battle between Napoleon's and Kutuzov's troops in 1812.
It was a common practice for nunneries and monasteries to have bakeries, wineries or cheese dairies that would allow them to be auto-sufficient, as well as to make some income for the monastery's upkeep. The remarkable thing was that one group of nuns there was from Lithuania. And it was them who taught the rest of the bakers of Spaso-Borodino nunnery the scalding method for baking rye breads.
The recipe stays the same. Time only changed the form of this bread, and changed the sorrowful implication it used to have into a living memory of people's heroism and loyalty, as well as love for the great taste of rye bread with aromatics – coriander and caraway
Compared to Močiutės bread, this one is much younger, as it means “grandchildren”. Notwithstanding the age of this recipe, it is full to brim with sunflower seeds´ goodness, and the wide range of health benefits of rye bread. This bread´s crumb is light and cheerful, like the eyes of some light-hearted lassie.
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